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Showing posts from November, 2012

Freaky Friday

I'm proud to say I've never read or watched any Twilight material. My sincere condolences to those who have been forced to by their significant other (I hope the sex was worth it). - QBF

Movie Review: "A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas"

So Harold and Kumar did a Christmas movie... This must be the end of the run then... No more epic trips to White Castle ... No awesome escapes from Guantanomo Bay ... Nope, in  A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas the search is on for the perfect: Bong?... Blunt?... The answer is Christmas-freaking tree.

Movie Review: "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted"

Somehow, I prefer each Madagascar sequel over the previous, and Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted did not  disappoint. It stars the usual suspects: Ben Stiller , Cedric the Entertainer , Chris Rock , David Schwimmer , Jada Pinkett-Smith , and Sacha Baron Cohen . The most notable addition is the talented Frances McDormand . As you may have guessed, the crew's antics have now moved to Europe (leaving only South America, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica for them to visit in #4).

Movie Review: "Brave"

I never thought I'd enjoy a movie about a young woman coming of age... Much less an animated version of it. But then, Brave isn't at all what I expected it to be, and Princess Merida is certainly not the typical Disney princess.

Movie Review: "How to Train Your Dragon"

After finally watching How to Train Your Dragon , I really wish I hadn't wasted so much time before doing so! It stars  Jay Baruchel and Gerard Butler -- who do an excellent job -- and their voices really fit their characters to a tee. Somehow the ads I'd seen really made it seem like a kiddy cartoon ... And while this movie is safe for the entire family, this is an animated film .

Movie Review: "Gambit"

When I learned that a movie I was interested in seeing ( Gambit ) was actually a remake of a Michael Caine and Shirley MacLaine film, I decided to give the original 1966  Gambit a viewing. I must say that it was weird at first seeing a young Michael Caine on screen... I suppose subconsciously I expected he was born old as that's how I was first introduced to him, but here he is handsome and vibrant!

NSFW Monday

So for the last Monday in November I bring you the original big forehead sensation from Barbados... Robyn Fenty ! AKA: Chris Brown 's punching bag... AKA: RiRi... AKA: Rihanna! - QBF

Sunday Strips

A bird with one wing can't fly either... - QBF

Movie Review: "Savages"

Savages is not your normal narcotics crime drama. It stars Aaron Taylor-Johnson , Blake Lively , and Taylor Kitsch as the Bohemian weed-smoking protagonists. Benicio del Toro and Salma Hayek are the much more interesting Mexican drug cartel antagonists.

Freaky Friday

The moment this boy noticed girls for the first time was immortalized on television (and now YouTube) for the world to see. His thought process seems to be, "Hmmm, what candy do I want, what candy? Yes! This one here. Sweet! What's that?... OH MY GOD BOOOOOOOOBIES!! SOOOOO BIIIIIG!!!!" - QBF

Movie Review: "Chronicle"

Chronicle is what happens when you update Carrie for this generation (and actually make it better in my humble opinion). It stars some no-name actors (to me at least): Alex Russell , Dane DeHaan , and Michael B. Jordan , whose exploits we follow via their camera footage, before and after they gain telekinesis .

Movie Review: "Total Recall" (2012)

So they decided to remake the 1990 action classic Total Recall , and update it for 2012. This new Total Recall stars Colin Farrell , Jessica Biel , and Kate Beckinsale . Better special effects? Of course. Better story? Debatable.

NSFW Monday

Another Monday, another work week has begun... But also, another hottie to ease your stress! Today's prescription: Jessica Alba . - QBF

Sunday Strips

Do you ever get that nagging feeling that something's going on? - QBF

Movie Review: "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter"

So that happened. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is best endured by viewing it as live-action anime, with not as good story-telling. It's probably best not to tell you who it stars, but this is Benjamin Walker 's film, who kinda looks like a young Liam Neeson (to me at least).

Freaky Friday

This is an epic sentence! - QBF

Movie Review: "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1"

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 is the first (duh) part in the video adaptation of the greatest Batman story ever told! (In my humble opinion.) The original was written and drawn by my favourite comic writer,  Frank Miller . He's also the genius behind Sin City and 300 -- you may have heard of them. The gist of it is the Batman has been retired from crime-fighting for 10 years. Guess how Gotham is doing as a result?

Movie Review: "Skyfall"

So I got to see the premiere of 007's latest mission: Skyfall ! What a nice surprise that was, and Heineken put on quite a presentation at the Carib 5 cinema. I was impressed. Now, on to the review! Daniel Craig once again is "Bond, James Bond", and his newest nemesis is played quite exceptionally by Javier Bardem . Last but not least, Dame Judi Dench is once again my favourite "M".

NSFW Tuesday

Okay to make up for missing yesterday's episode, here's a super-helping of the GORGEOUS Eva Mendes ! - QBF

Sunday Strips

Grand Opening! - QBF

Movie Review: "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy"

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is not like your James Bond brand of espionage. Rather it is the serious, adult version of espionage (which thankfully still includes the seduction of spies). The film is littered with very good actors, with the main stars being:  Gary Oldman ,  Colin Firth , and  Tom Hardy .

Freaky Friday

By definition, James Bond = Epic Win.

Movie Review: "Flight"

Flight showcases Denzel Washington in another Oscar-worthy, not-quite-a-nice-guy role. Will it be worth your ticket?

Movie Review: "Taken 2"

So Liam Neeson made Taken 2 . His family got taken again!? Who's crazy enough to try that?

NSFW Monday

Sorry for the break in transmission guys, I'm gonna try and get back on schedule... So please, enjoy Mrs. Beyonce Knowles-Carter ! - QBF

Sunday Strips

Something inna something... - QBF