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Showing posts from October 23, 2011

Freaky Friday

Man a ninja star! - QBF

Movie Review: "The Thing" (2011)

So they remade one of the movies from my childhood in the Eighties, “ The Thing ”. Apparently it was more of a cult classic than a box-office success back then , but what mattered to me is that it was a scary movie – and I was too chicken to watch it! Fast-forward 20-odd years, and there I am, braver and ready to face my fears.

Site Update: Movie Reviews

So I've decided to really bring back start a feature I used to do on my old Windows Live Blog back in the day: Movie Reviews! *cue fan-fare* Nothing too dramatic, and they should be for the most part spoiler-free, so fear not checking them out before hitting the cinema, renting, or *cough cough* acquiring them by other means. I will give you a numerical rating at the end of each review ranging from “0.0” (avoid at all costs, hunt down all parties involved in its creation, and exterminate with extreme prejudice), to “5.0” (this is manna from Heaven – watch it repeatedly). Also there will be a more generic rating such as “rent”, “avoid”, or “cinema-worthy” for example. I hope you find the new feature useful! - QBF PS: I’m closing in on post # 500!! :-)

You Oughta Know: Young Jamaican Poet

There's a young lady I know by the name of Kerry-Ann Johnson who writes some beautiful poetry and shares it with the world at her site: La Voce Poetry .  She's been writing for years and sharing them with her close personal friends (and the ones on her Facebook profile to boot), but she's ready to share with just about anyone now. - QBF Here's a short excerpt (and link ) to one of her most recent works:

Privacy Is Dead

Exhibit A: Facebook Exhibit B: GPS Tagging &/ Tracking Exhibit C: Most people don't think twice before using such services now. In fact, you're the odd one if you don't over-share about your life it seems. (Explain to me why isn't Twitter dead yet?) Personally I have rebelled against this new system. I barely use Facebook after being an admitted addict to it, 99% of the time I am there to share photo albums (and with muuuuuch less persons than before). I've found myself gravitating into the arms of Google+, but there is the trepidation that they will morph into another Facebook --- and how do I get more of my important (real) friends unto that platform? GPS is used rather infrequently, and mainly as a tool to track my running performances. I've found it most unnerving when complete strangers can introduce me to other strangers, due to seeing me in my friends' photos on the infamous Facebook. So what does it all mean? Are we headed to a ...

NSFW Monday

 Top of the morning to you lads and lassies! Today's treat is the Mexican-Irish lass by the name of Jessica Zepeda , AKA: Miss Rabbit . I think you will find that she represents a most auspicious combination from those respective countries! - QBF

Sunday Strips

Sometimes, you just need to see things from someone else's point of view to come to an understanding. - QBF