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Showing posts from August 5, 2012

Freaky Friday

Let me start listing my favourite colours... - QBF

Movie Review: "Midnight in Paris"

Woody Allen may not be a nice person (see: marrying your adopted daughter). Owen Wilson may be annoying in too many doses (see: his movies). Midnight in Paris is still an entertaining and funny movie.

NSFW Tuesday

We have a Tuesday edition this week since yesterday was Jamaica's Independence Day holiday... and since I missed last week's episode I've decided to make it up with a QuickBrownFox first... Animated Kate Upton images! She may just be the coolest white girl ever. - QBF


Jump, jump, jump we fi 50 yeah!!! - QBF (Click image to learn more about sweet, sweet Jamaica.)

Sunday Strips

Real man of genius !! - QBF