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Showing posts from February 5, 2012

Freaky Friday

Classic! - QBF

You Oughta Know: Stupid Is As Stupid Does

A Canadian study published in Psychological Science found a link between low IQ in children, and an increased affinity to racist/prejudiced and conservative values being developed later in life. I give you the majority of the followers currently being taken advantage of by the leadership of the Republican party... - QBF PS: Bonus Video!

Sunday Strips

In honour of the Super Bowl being played later today... Go Giants! - QBF

Today in Spam

I can't believe this $#!t actually made it into my Yahoo! Mail inbox this morning... I normally get this junk in my worthless Hotmail account. However, it is HILARIOUS to read! I don't care if you send this out to 4 million people, if someone actually exists who can fall for this scam, they deserve to lose more than their money.  Thanks, but no thanks "Mr. Fabio Kneffel Bo"! - QBF