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Showing posts from July 19, 2009

Protect Ya Neck!

This video shows how to protect your Gmail account from crackers (aka: criminal hackers), but it can be applied to Social Networking sites as well as any other Email account -- since they all use the same basic protections. Watch and learn! - QBF

Monday Motivation

Ah, the last Homer-ism has finally arrived, and this one is a beauty. If you wanted to learn the secret to succeed in life -- or at least get through this week -- read on! - QBF

Sunday Strips

Here's a new weekly endeavour that I'm sure you'll all enjoy: my Sunday Strips! This could possibly be my longest running series, as I've got 3 years worth of stuff just ready to go! (Just click on the image to see the full version.) These are *not* kid-friendly by the way. - QBF Episode One: Birth of the Blow Job