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Showing posts from May 9, 2010

Freaky Friday!

This is some mind-blowing "illusion" or straight up magic shown on CCTV. Major props to anybody who can teach me this one!! Unfreaking-believable!! - QBF Share

You Oughta Know!

You should know that if you are poor or without links in Jamaica, the police can MURDER you and get away with it very easily. I didn't even learn of this particular atrocity from any of my national news outlets. I had to learn of it from Al Jazeera, based on the other fucking side of the planet. Disgraceful shit. This happens many times in my country. This is but one story out of many. RIP Robert Hill (AKA: Kentucky Kid) Kentucky Kid's YouTube Posting: Al Jazeer a's Story : Painful... - QBF Share

NSFW Monday!

We're back with part 7 of the "Body-Painted Football Babes Bonanza" in the lead up to the World Cup in South Africa ! This edition is all about Croatia , a team that beat my Reggae Boyz in France 1998 (the bastards). - QBF (Click to enlarge.) Share

Sunday Strips!

This would make for one helluva commercial! - QBF ;-) (Click to enlarge.) Share