Naruto: Shippuden (Hurricane Chronicles) is the story of Uzumaki Naruto, and his journey from the Hidden Leaf Village's pariah and clown, to its most popular and greatest hero.
It wouldn't make sense to list all the main characters and villains as they are too numerous, the most important however are the members of Team 7: Naruto, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, and their teacher/leader Hatake Kakashi.
From Google:
"More than two years have passed since the most recent adventures in the Hidden Leaf Village, ample time for ninja wannabe Naruto Uzumaki to have developed skills worthy of recognition and respect. The hyperactive youngster has trained extensively with Jiraiya-sama and returned to Konoha to reunite with friends and, perhaps, partake in more pranks than schoolwork. But Naruto is more determined than ever to become the greatest ninja, and his hard-earned improvements are put to the ultimate test against newer, stronger enemies. "Naruto: Shippuden" is adapted from Part II of the "Naruto" comic book series by Masashi Kishimoto."
This series is actually a continuation from "Naruto" where the plot and characters are advanced a few years. These two series see the characters changing over the years and advancing in their abilities. In particular, Naruto and Sasuke go from rivals to the closest of friends with Naruto desperately trying to save Sasuke from losing himself and becoming evil.
This was a REALLY GOOD series, except for the episodes which were basically filler. Did I fail to mention that the source material was an ongoing manga series? Yeah so they had to slow down the show whenever they got too close to current material...
For a show highlighting so much fighting and conflict, the overall theme was self-sacrifice and forgiveness. Anyways, GO WATCH IT!
QBF Rating: 4.5/5