The latest animated Superman movie is known as Superman: Unbound, and involves his cousin Supergirl in the struggle versus the interplanetary villain Brainiac.
This is not a kiddy movie, as PEOPLE DEAD on the rapid!
Trust me, Brainiac is portrayed as a no-holds barred villain not to be trifled with.
I deducted a half-point for one silly plot device involving a waaaaaay too fast missile, but this was a GOOD MOVIE to watch if you're a Superman fan.
QBF Rating: 3.5/5
This is not a kiddy movie, as PEOPLE DEAD on the rapid!
Trust me, Brainiac is portrayed as a no-holds barred villain not to be trifled with.
I deducted a half-point for one silly plot device involving a waaaaaay too fast missile, but this was a GOOD MOVIE to watch if you're a Superman fan.
QBF Rating: 3.5/5