"The Sorcerer's Apprentice" is based loosely on a portion of the animated film "Fantasia" released by Disney way back in 1940.
However, it had more of a background to flesh out than the "Pirates of the Caribbean" (seeing as that was based on an amusement park ride) -- but, remember I used the word "loosely".
Now, granted I didn't exactly watch all of this movie -- I was kinda busy doing other stuff at the time -- but it didn't seem like a bad movie (as I'd feared). Basically, Nicholas Cage takes a new apprentice, who he has to train to save the world. Pretty standard stuff.
An OKAY cable/satellite movie.
QBF Rating: 2.5/5
However, it had more of a background to flesh out than the "Pirates of the Caribbean" (seeing as that was based on an amusement park ride) -- but, remember I used the word "loosely".
Now, granted I didn't exactly watch all of this movie -- I was kinda busy doing other stuff at the time -- but it didn't seem like a bad movie (as I'd feared). Basically, Nicholas Cage takes a new apprentice, who he has to train to save the world. Pretty standard stuff.
An OKAY cable/satellite movie.
QBF Rating: 2.5/5