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Happy Emancipation Day Jamaica!!

Happy Emancipation Day!! Woohoo!

Needless to say I wouldn't be who I am, or where I am if not for my slave ancestors being emancipated. Jamaica initially (along with many other colonies) rejected Britain's attempts at the gradual abolition of slavery in the colonies during the 1820s.

However, after the biggest (and last) slave rebellion initiated by Samuel Sharpe in 1831 which caused a lot of property damage, and perhaps most importantly the increased cost of sugar in England due to mismanagement in the colonies, the Abolition of Slavery Act was passed by Britain's parliament in 1833!

August 1, 1834 is the date when some slaves (6 years old and under) were freed immediately, while others were "apprenticed" for either 4 or 6 years.

Of course, there's a lot more to the story of Jamaica's emancipation of the slaves, so for more information check this link.

While enjoying this holiday, reflect on the hardships your ancestors experienced, and the great things people did to stand up for their rights and beliefs, as we sorely need such actions today. - QBF

PS: Your regularly scheduled "NSFW Monday" post will be available next week.

PPS: It only seems fitting I add this song...


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