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Showing posts from June 16, 2010

NSFW Monday!

Episode #15 of my "Body-Painted Football Babes Bonanza" stars the Swiss Confederation fresh off their defeat of Spain , and with another huge game for them against Chile today to get to the Round of 16. Co-Stars are Japan (fresh off their loss to the Netherlands ), but also looking to qualify for the next round by drawing/defeating Denmark later this week. - QBF Swiss Miss:  Geisha Girl:  (Click to enlarge.) Share

Sunday Strips!

This one goes out to all the dog-lovers with E.D.! LOL! - QBF  (Click to enlarge.) Share

NSFW Friday!

Hmm, I'm late again with #14 of my "Body-Painted Football Babes Bonanza", and another favourite loses their match -- this time Germany. Perhaps I can shake-down some teams for Monday's posting? I wasn't planning on showing these so soon, but the Federal Republic of Germany has forced my hand! Prost!: (Click to enlarge.) Share

NSFW Wednesday!

Lucky #13 of the "Body-Painted Football Babes Bonanza" is a bit late for gazing surreptitiously at the office, but is still here for your viewing pleasure! Now both these nations have had inauspicious first games in the World Cup, but I'm sure they'll both perform better going forward (but not as well as Brazil will, of course). God Save the Queen! ( England ):  Latin Loveliness! ( Kingdom of Spain ):  (Click to enlarge.) Share