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Showing posts from July 8, 2012

Movie Review Vodo Special: "Exhibit A" & "Honest Man: The Life of R. Budd Dwyer"

Exhibit A is a very shocking low budget, first person-ish, single-camera film. Very good acting.

Freaky Friday

This man should legally change his name to "Epic Win". - QBF

Movie Review: "Bad Teacher"

Bad Teacher is a Cameron Diaz comedy about a really, really, really, baaaaaaad teacher. My only wish is that she had made this movie YEARS ago when she was still looking cute. Granted her body looked good, but I'm sure this would've made even more money....

Movie Review: "The Amazing Spider-Man"

I was very conflicted as to whether I should provide legal patronage to The Amazing Spider-Man ... This was the same studio which had subjected me to Spider-Man  after all, with a climatic battle scene that literally put me to sleep. They followed this up with Spider-Man 2 , which should have ended the first time Dr Octopus got hit in the face by a man who can throw cars around . The  pièce de résistance  however was Spider-Man 3  -- which seemed to be 3 or 4 movies in one -- one of which was (no lie) a musical.

NSFW Monday

Happy phat ass day from Joanna Pena ! - QBF

Sunday Strips

I'm so glad I have friends! - QBF